This program brings together artists, art theorists/critics, historians, curators, art educators, together with young enthusiastic individuals to close themselves at an intensive art camp where they can think, discuss, write, produce together. The variety of the backgrounds of our program facilitators and participants, we aim at creating a space for abstract and critical thinking without falling into the hierarchies between the teacher and the student. The productive process is completed with a small exhibition, however the classes are not product oriented but focus on the process. The dynamic and intensive two weeks program provides the participants an introduction to art history and todays art, as well as the histories and theories of visual culture, besides the practice based courses.
Workshop: Looking and Seeing
Could we possibly go into a long lasting relationship with a photo, a sound and an object which you would bring along with you to Nesin Art Village? Not letting intellectual and theoretical structure to swiftly take hold of us, by challenging our ways of seeing
Visual Culture
There are widely accepted, universal norms in relation to the act of seeing, we perceive something rather easier than the others, or see a point better. Sometimes the eye completes the images, connects the dots, establishes
Portfolio Preparations and Artist's Presentation
The difficulties in which the artists face during their production processes are not only limited by their artistic production: The pain continues with applications to exhibitions, competitions, artist residency or educational programs, art fairs and similar
Contacts between Art and Politics
It is a theoretical intensive course that is planned for one week. It analyses the relationship between art and politics through an analysis of history of art. The studio requires pre-readings to trigger the basis of the discursive aspect of the workshop.
Ceramics Studio / Producing Daily Objects and the Use of Ceramics Today
During this one-week workshop, historical background of ceramics, areas of its use, and its form and function relationship will be presented together with a few contemporary examples. Applied training will focus on preparation of mortar, getting to know
Formation Transformation Studio
On May 1st 1972, Beuys together with two of his students swept up the rubbish at a square, the brushes as well as the rubbish were later turned into artworks. The phrase “Beuys who said that everyone is an artist…” has become one of the most well-
From Industrial Revolution to Big Data: Reading Visual Culture
In this short series of seminars, our starting point will be the cognitive turn in 19th century following Industrial Revolution and how this turn affected artists, psychologists, cognitive scientists and computer scientists. The highlight of these seminars will be
Performance Workshop
This course deals with performance as a contemporary art language. Students will be given information on performance art and art historical examples of the discipline. Methods and the ways will be the main focus of an intensive two-week workshop. By
Tracing the marks / Engraving workshop
Engraving, which means the practice of incising a design onto a hard, usually flat surface by making grooves, is considered as one of the oldest art making techniques. Humans are inclined to incising patterns on hard surfaces since Paleolithic ages
Artist Books
The production of artist books has become very popular in recent years: Artists use books as a means of production. But what does it actually mean to use a book as a means of production? Artist books are a medium in which the book is problematized