On May 1st 1972, Beuys together with two of his students swept up the rubbish at a square, the brushes as well as the rubbish were later turned into artworks. The phrase “Beuys who said that everyone is an artist…” has become one of the most well-known citations in many contemporary art talks. Story of transformation of everyday life into work of art is also the story of changes in definitions of art. Miro who combines a pebble and an almond with imagination and transforms them into other works; Andy Goldsworthy who produces works which will be swept away by the wind, melted away by rising sun, works which will be transformed in time and by nature; Duchamp who changes the context of a urinal and presents it as a readymade to the art world; Francis Alys who moves a mountain together with 500 volunteers…
The course aims to trace the conceptuality and practice in “transformation” processes of artists who transform the everyday life into artworks. Concepts such as “quotidian”, “process”, “temporal”, “context”, “relational”, “site-specific” will be reviewed through works selected. Techniques of forming and transforming works of art from the quotidian are going to be focused on. Methods discussed through examples are going to be applied in playful and experimental ways.