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Dilek is a sophrologist living in France for 7 years. She graduated from the department of Political Science and International Relations at Bogaziçi University (BA) (2014). She got her master degree in Social Anthropology and Ethnology at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales ( 2017). She became acquainted with sophrology during her pregnancy.  Experiencing this method made her decide to become a sophrologist. After two years of education at Ecole Supérieure de Sophrologie Appliquée, she became a sophrologist (2021). With the birth of her daughter, Dilek got several pedagogical education: Formation to become Waldorf Teacher at Institut de Rudolf Steiner (2020), Faber& Mazlish (Communication between adults and children) Formation to organize Faber & Mazlish sessions for parents. It has been 2 years now, she organizes several ateliers by using the pedagogical tools.

She continues to paint and write the tales for youth as an amateur with passion.

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