Giacomo Bruni was born in Perugia in 1986. In 2009, he graduated from the University of Perugia with a bachelor's degree in Modern literature. He completed his Master's degree at the University of Padova in 2013 in Medieval philology. From 2012 to 2013, he was granted a scholarship to study Chinese culture at Guangzhou University (广州大学). In 2018 he participated in an international artistic training project at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (广州美术学院). In 2019, he graduated from Jinan University in Guangzhou (暨南大学), with a Doctorate degree in Literature and Art theory.
Gözde İlkin (1981, Kütahya) completed her bachelor’s degree in 2004 at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Painting Department, and in 2012 Marmara University Fine Arts School Painting Department her masters degree. She studies and works on the theme of social identity with home fabrics that are memory items that represent processes such as tablecloth, curtains, bed sheets etc. She uses these fabrics as a space to stage the motifs and images that she creates.
Gülsun Kanat is a Volunteer and Worker at Purple Roof Women’s Shelter Foundation. She has been a part of the women’s movement since her years in university. After completing her studies at Dokuz Eylül University Manisa Finance Department, she lived in London between the years 1991-2001. She worked with disabled and able-bodied children in several play spaces upon completing her Playwork training. Later on as her daughter grew she took Social Service training and in 2001 returned to her family in Turkey.
Güngör Erdem is the co-creator and co-producer of For the Love of Bee! project. Güngör Erdem employs ecological art in a way that combines a lifestyle close to nature and creativity. He has been active in the organisation and the production of art events and exhibitions since 2006 within the scope of Sinopale, the International Sinop Biennial. He is the co-creator and co-producer of For the Love of Bee! project, starting 2016.
2020-2018 MA, Dutch Art Institute, ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem
2019-2015 MFA, Marmara University, Institute of Fine Arts, Painting, Istanbul
2014-2008 BA, Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting, Istanbul